Tag: advocate

Dress For Success

Dress For Success

An Equine Analogy For Your Motivation



You must look the part.

You need to rise up, clean up, and organize yourself if you want to achieve and succeed.

Trust me I know!

Today I found myself entranced on how much time I spend with my horses grooming them.

Why do we do that? Why do we spend so much time brushing them, wiping their faces down, conditioning their mane and tidying them up? It’s not like my horses are heading out on the town nor are they saddled and transported where others will see them… then why?


Getting in the Christmas Spirit last year


I’ll tell you why, because that keeps them looking kept and neat. It keeps them healthy and clean. I brush them, I wash them, I wipe out their nostrils and eye ducts, I clean out their hooves, all in the name of health. We need to do the same, especially when we aren’t feeling great. When we are down and out, our health depends on it, our outlook on life depends on it, and ultimately our success depends on it. It’s so easy to take the road less traveled when we are hurting and not at our best. When life throws us curveballs and tries to take us down that’s when we need to fight harder, rise quicker, and move forward. When we get wrapped up in negativity and cave to the easy path, or path of least resistance, we tend to let oursleves go, let our homes go and stop really living. That’s when we allow life to pass us by, while we wait for something better to happen to us or for us, for our situation to resolve itself. However, that’s not living life, that’s giving up and hoping things work out.

We need to rise up each day and prepare for life. We need to clean ourselves up, we need to make our bad, we need to get out and MAKE life happen! We all have issues. We will all have problems that arise, but the ones who succeed adjust and fight for what they want. The ones who succeed are the ones who dress for success, each and every day, despite what’s happening, despite the pain and frustrations they are going through. How about you? Are you “dressing” for success each day? Are you preparing for good to happen? That is the key.

I clean my horses up every single day so they are clean, healthy, and happy. When they get the grooming they need they can then attack the day with confidence and pride. Shouldn’t you be the same, if not more motivated to do so?

You are a warrior. Warriors plan for success and it starts with your physical appearance, at the very least. Start there and see where it takes you in life. You might be surprised.

So warriors, rise up and take on the day! You deserve that!



This week, take care of yourself, starting with your appearance-your physical self. Get up, get ready for the day, make your bed, and go do something.

Be active in your life.

Make life happen FOR you, not TO you.

Stop waiting for right time, the next day, or when you’ll feel better.  Sometimes we need to just start something positive and good with the simple act of looking “put together”, ready to tackle the day. That is your challenge this week.

Go get after life! You’ll be so glad you did!


Be an active

As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,



Inventors & Innovators: Hugh Herr and Biomechatronics

Inventors & Innovators: Hugh Herr and Biomechatronics

The New Age of Bionics



What happens to you when you find yourself in a do or die situation?

Hugh Herr was in that position as a teenager, barely making it out alive while doing something he loved and excelled at, a savant at his young age. But he didn’t make it out unscathed, he lost both of his legs below the knee.

What would you do? At that young age would you have given up, abandoned your dreams, or hid from life?

Would you believe that this situation inspired Hugh to become a creator, inventor and innovator in the prosthetic world?

He went from a kid set on rising to the top as a professional climber, to figuring out how to navigate life AND climbing again as a bilateral below knee amputee with prosthesis he created!

He changed his path to one of college and higher education. Getting his masters and doctorate degrees from Harvard and MIT, and is currently a professor at the MIT Media Lab and co-leads the Yang Center for Bionics at MIT.

He is known for creating bionic limbs that emulate the movement of natural limbs and has been called the “Leader of the Bionic Age” by Time Magazine.

He has TED talks, authored/co-authored over 200 peer-reviewed manuscripts and patents, and most recently Hugh and his research group invented the Agonist-Antagonist Myoneural Interface, which is a surgical procedure for limb amputation that allows the person with limb loss to control their synthetic limb with thought.

His research and studies are beyond amazing! The ideas and possibilities to come for those of us with limb loss from what he is inventing are going to be incredible and will make losing a limb less traumatic and more doable with the hope of what we will be capable of accomplishing with such high-tech and realistic bionics.

The age of bionics is growing by leaps and bounds and this past December 2023, I was blessed with the opportunity to work in the MIT Media Lab, meet Hugh, and participate in the current studies with several PhD students. I was blown away, to say the least, by what they are working on and what will be out on the market in the not too distant future. We are going to be seeing more stable, more controllable, and more comfortable fitting prosthesis which will give us our lives back and with more meaning.


So, yea, the first time I get to meet Hugh I look like this! Strapped in and ready to do research for the greater good!


This week, as we close Limb Loss/Limb Difference Awareness Month with my 4th and final interview with such an important innovator, as Hugh Herr, the pioneer of our bionic age, you do NOT want to miss what he shares about what is up and coming in the world of prosthesis and bionics.

Join me and Hugh Herr for this incredible interview!

Please share today’s podcast to bring hope and excitement for what’s to come to those in our amputee community.

Again, thank you, Hugh, for giving me the time to talk with you, pick your brain, and for your genius and creativity in helping us gain back our independence and ability to move smoothly despite our limb loss. I am truly inspired and excited for the future.


I hope you all enjoy today’s podcast and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,


John, Me and Tony-PhD students from MIT that were in charge of the study.


You can watch the NOVA production of Hugh Herr’s life: NOVA “Augmented” HERE


Inventors & Innovators: TheraV for Phantom Pains

Inventors & Innovators: TheraV for Phantom Pains

TheraV Founder and CEO Amira Radovic

We are kicking off Limb Loss/Limb Difference Awareness Month (LLLD) with the founder and CEO of TheraV.

Amira found her passion to help people by creating a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical device that helps soften phantom pains through the use of vibration therapy.

Phantom pains are a very real, very painful, and often times disabling reaction after losing a limb. Most amputees will experience some level of phantom pain throughout the course of their lives. I would also say that all amputees feel some sort of phantom sensation (a feeling that the missing limb is still there and feels like pins and needles or a numbing sensation), I know I feel that everyday, all day, but I have become accustom to them.

Phantom pains, on the other hand, are intense. They come without warning, last days, sometimes weeks, and can feel like you are being shocked, set on fire, or like a knife stabbing your limb and cutting you open. I have had the distinct privilege (sarcastic voice) of experiencing those crazy, uncontrollable, and sleep depriving pains four times in my five years of being an amputee! I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy!

Amira’s father was a civil engineer and she had dreams of becoming an engineer, herself. She said she was always fascinated with the idea of using technology to enhance the human ability so she studied biomedical engineering at the University of Delaware. As a junior she had an opportunity to work at a prosthetic office. There she was introduced to the mental and physical pain that came with limb loss and the reality of phantom pain. She worked for years and talked to many amputees to come up with her TheraV for phantom pains, despite the lack of data and the stigma that surrounded phantom pains.

This week I had the honor of having her on my podcast to share where her idea came from, how it works, and where she’s taking it next. Like all great inventors, she is continuing to dive deeper into the mysterious world of phantom pains, what produces them, what helps, and how she can improve her already amazing product.

I am grateful for the time I got to speak with her and to hear her story, her passion, and what got her into the world of amputees and phantom pain.

An amazing thing about TheraV is that it can also be used by able-bodied individuals for things like restless leg syndrome or CRPS! Amazing, right?

If you are struggling with any of these issues, and would like to be rid of medications you might consider giving TheraV a shot.

Check out her website HERE.


With a world of big Pharma and large corporations it’s hard for the individual to break into the market. Please visit TheraV website, check them out on social media and give them a follow. By purchasing your own therapy for your home you not only have a safe way to manage pain you are helping Amira reach more people and giving them a chance to live without pain.

Thank you, Amira, for joining my podcast this week and for all you are doing for our amputee community.

Phantom pains are real pains.

Your research and devotion to reducing and eliminating them is so commendable! Thank you!




Remember to subscribe to my podcast so you don’t miss out on a month packed with inventors and innovators who are making a huge impact in our amputee community! also. p

lease share this link and podcast with someone who could benefit. My goal is always to help empower and educate those in need. Help me make an impact this month!


Thank you and have a blessed week.

As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!!



Much love,





Fear of Being Uncomfortable

Fear of Being Uncomfortable

Skiing as an Amputee


The Canyons, Park City, Utah 2024


I don’t know about you but, sitting in a lodge, sipping a drink in front of a fire sounds wonderful. Doesn’t it?

However, I did that for 5 years, while my family all skied and I sat there with tears in my eyes, missing those special moments I knew I’d never get back.

My husband taught me to ski when we were teenagers. We had dreams of teaching our own kids someday and the retiring and skiing through life. 2013 struck me with a knee injury that sidelined me for 5 years! Then, by 2018 I elected to amputate my left leg above the knee.


My first goal, 3 1/2 months after amputation?  SKI!

Nice and easy


This is why I face my fears


Looks like I have 2 legs!!


Fast forward to last week and I can honestly tell you that despite my love of skiing and being with my family up on the mountains again, the fears I face before each day really try to take me down. Facing fears is no easy task, and yes, while sitting by the fireplace and sipping a drink in the warmth of a lodge is amazing, NOTHING compares to facing your fears and coming out on top! Not to mention, I will never regret getting out and living my life versus watching it pass before my eyes. I want to live life, and maybe that’s a product of being sidelined for so many years, but I won’t allow my irrational fears take me out of living my best life with my family.


Of course I’m going to challenge you to face a fear of yours. You don’t need to be an amputee, either. We all have fears that we can choose to face or turn away from. If you have been turning away, now is the time to stand up straight, adjust your hat, and take it head on! You won’t regret trying, succeed or fail. Because no matter the outcome, you did it! You faced a fear, overcame that emotion and gave it your best. No matter the outcome, you will know you tried and can feel great about yourself for going the distance.

Don’t let fears derail you and your goals. Stay the course, buckle down for the ride, and know that there is no sweeter victory than facing your fears like the true warrior you are and were built to be!


So today, decide what you are afraid of and take it on! Despite the butterflies, emotions that well up and want to hold you back, and no matter the outcome. Just go for it!

Rise up, warriors, rise up and face your fears head on! You will NOT regret it!!


Have a beautiful and blessed week!

And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,


Maybe I’ll see you on the mountains some day♥

Insurance Games

Insurance Games

Playing To Win; Playing For Your Future


Dealing with insurance can be tricky and often frustrating. I speak from experience.

It’s unfortunate that insurance companies make it so hard to understand the ins and outs of their policies as well as getting approvals especially since those who are trying to get covered are often going through really tough emotional times.

As I got myself prepared for my amputation I was doing everything to prepare myself, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially seeing as this would be a forever life changing surgery.

My experience was not smooth, nor was it kind, but I figured out how to handle my situation, found my voice, and fought for what was right and what I needed.

Join me this week as I take you on my journey with the games that insurance companies play, and how you can play and beat them at their own game.


This is what I fought to get……


So I can do this….


…And this


….And this


…And this.







What are you fighting for? And if you’re not fighting for what you want, then who will???


Randy and David at The Limb Center and also Limbs For Humanity



This week, if you are in the middle of a big decision that takes medical insurance, make sure you do your homework and get confirmation about what is covered.

If you have been told “No” by your insurance company then it’s time to fight for what you want and need.

We must fight for ourselves, because only we know exactly what we need and want to make our lives worth living.

Help yourself by fighting for your future. Don’t give up, and don’t take “No” for an answer!

You are a warrior and you are WORTH IT!!


Have a blessed week and as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



Life is a Journey

Life is a Journey

Stay the Course and Press On


This is the year. Embrace the journey and get your mindset right!

We started our year with a new puppy. I had forgotten how hard potty training was as an amputee. What does that mean, you might ask?  Night time wake up calls are very difficult when you don’t have a leg on, grabbing an energetic puppy, and crutching outside and down a step…all before that puppy has an accident! This week, I am navigating this alone for the first time, tonight I may just leave my leg on.

I tell you all this to show you the reality of being an amputee.

As I sit here and write this up I am working later than usual, because of said puppy, and her boundless amount of energy she’s had all day. She is finally asleep and I have a moment to finish up my post.

THIS is life.

This is part of the journey. The good times, the hard times, the moments that make me smile and the times that exhaust me and make me see my shortcomings as an amputee.

Would I change a thing? Would I do it differently?


I am a stronger person for what I’ve gone through.

I know myself even better than I ever have.

My faith is stronger than ever before, and the people and experiences I have met and had along this journey I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Mindset matters. I keep saying that. How we see ourselves, and our lives, DOES matter.

When we let go of our past, embrace our situation, learn to ride the ups and downs of life, that is when we can truly live a full and meaningful life. That is when you can find purpose and joy.

Don’t give up when it gets rough. Keep fighting the good fight. You can do it, you are strong enough.




This week, focus on the positive. Find your purpose by setting goals you can achieve, and that challenge you just enough. Create a list of the things you’ve been dreaming of doing, trying, or accomplishing.

Write them down then create timelines of when you want to try or accomplish them. Be specific so they don’t fade away.

Next, figure out what steps you’ll need to take to get to your goal.

Use the next week to get your list together and your mindset right, and go out and kick butt!

You’ve got this, Warrior!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,






You Can Do It!

You Can Do It!


There are many facets to being an amputee, a lot revolves around the fit of prosthetics, dealing with phantom pains, and relearning to walk. However there are other obstacles to overcome, goals to achieve, finding your independence is usually on the top of the list!

This was a huge goal for me (and also for others I have talked to over the past few years). Independence looks different for each of us but when we decide what it is we are looking to achieve there’s no better feeling when we reach that goal.

For me, today was that day. I felt the complete independence of traveling alone-for the first time as an amputee! Packing up, getting to the airport, carrying my own luggage, finding my way through security and to my gate, all while being balanced, strong, and confident. I was able to grab my luggage, find my way to the Uber line, and check into a hotel.  These may seem like simple tasks, people do them everyday, but being with my husband since we were 17 and never traveling without him, he always took charge, he always looked out for me, and guarded me from uncertainty. With him I was always safe and taken care of, so you can imagine how exciting, and challenging, doing this was for me.




What a day of firsts!


If you ever wonder if you’ll be able to travel again, let alone, travel solo as an amputee, I’m here to tell you that you can and you will! You can find that independence if that’s what you want. It takes time and practice. You have to plan ahead, and be prepared.

Listen in to today’s podcast as I discuss the things I have learned over the past 4 1/2 years of traveling as an amputee, the items I make sure I pack, and how I navigate the airport hoopla.

Oh, and if you are curious as to why in the world I have traveled alone to the other side of the country, on my own, in the middle of the holiday season, leaving the beautiful Arizona weather behind for the biting cold east coast then make sure you tune in next week!!


This is no different from the last two weeks:

Join my Fierce and On Fire challenge today!! Don’t wait! Join me as I make a solid effort to pay attention to my own health needs this holiday season by making sure to exercise in some way, everyday for at least 30 minutes.

The challenge is 100 miles and is virtual. If you want a medal the click HERE to join me!

If you want to join me but don’t care about the medal, that’s cool, too!  I have a private Facebook group you can join for the motivation and community. You can also join my IG channel Fierce and On Fire for the community as well.

How can you compete against yourself?

Great question. You do whatever it is you love to do and are capable of doing, where you are right now in your health journey.

If you want and can run, walk, hike, bike, swim, then do it!

If you are bedridden or in a wheelchair try upper body exercises with bands. 15 minutes of exercise = 1 mile.

NO EXCUSES! If you want to help yourself then be kind to your mind and body. Don’t wait for January 1 to make the dreaded “New Year’s Resolution”. Start today. Challenge yourself today. Make yourself more of a priority and end 2023 on a high note.’

Let’s do this together, as a virtual team of sorts.


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YO(U!!!


Much love,

Sick and Tired

Sick and Tired

Staying Healthy in the Hustle and Bustle of the Holidays


I had the distinct pleasure of getting sick recently. I haven’t been sick in so long, and not once since becoming an amputee.

I was on a vacation and burning the candle at both ends. I’m sure, between being around a lot of people and lack of sleep my immune system became compromised, leading me to having tingly skin, sore muscles, nausea and sleepiness.  What I wasn’t expecting was how my amputee body would react, or even THAT it would react.

Yep, you guessed it, phantom pains!!!


Laying with my girl when I struggle brings peace and healing.


As if all that other stuff wasn’t enough to take me down, I had the distinct pleasure of experiencing phantom pains and the total discomfort that added to all the other symptoms. It was crazy, and it totally sucked!!!

Listening to my body and knowing how much I run myself into the ground during the holidays I decided I needed to make some changes and adjust my thinking and patterns.

How about you?

Are you taking care of yourself?

What are you doing to take care of yourself when you’re up against a demanding schedule?

Let me help you create a positive and healthy change during this holiday season so you can be at the top of your celebration game!



Here’s my challenge (AKA Call to Action):

Take time each day, from now until the end of the year, for yourself. accept my challenge from last week’s podcast and take on the Fierce and On Fire Virtual Challenge- 100 miles by Dec 31.

You can walk, run, hike, bike, swim, ski, exercise, you name it, you can do it, as long as you are taking time for yourself and moving in some way or another, however you can.

Check my link in my IG bio @BAWarrior360 for how to register.

You can also check last week’s podcast HERE for the link to join.



I pray you have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving week!

Until next week,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,

The Secret To My Success

The Secret To My Success

Creating Positive Momentum Through Challenges


This week let’s challenge ourselves!

Let’s face the mountain head on and not veer out of fear.

It’s time to unleash the warrior within you, are you ready??

Well it doesn’t matter, now is the time! If you wait until you are “ready” then the time will never come.


SO how did I start my amputee journey, you ask? I was ready! I was nervous, of course, but when I came to grips with it I was ready to soar. I began to dream and wonder what I could accomplish, what hurdles I would overcome, what new things I would learn. To say that I was excited about the possibilities, would be an understatement.


I began by wearing my leg out of the prosthetist office and using it all day every day for a week…WITHOUT PT! Needless to say, I was so bruised on my femur bone!

I mean, I was walking, and so proud of myself, but I needed help tweaking my form and gait.

After I took some PT I began a new journey with new dreams. I was going to reinvent myself, whatever it took!


I had about 12 goals set for myself, even before my amputation, about what I would accomplish as an amputee.

Obviously I wanted to walk as naturally as possible, and as soon as possible, but there is no shortcut or magic potion to make that happen. It takes grit, determination and consistency.  But how do you maintain consistency, especially with something that is scary, uncertain, and hard to do?

What I did was register for virtual races! Not only did I have set miles but I also had the metaphorical carrot dangling in front of me…the cool looking medals!!

My very 1st race as an amputee! This started it all and how I got use to my prosthetic leg.

For me, that’s all it took! I registered for my first 150 mile race in May, a month after getting my prosthetic leg. I made a promise to myself that all of my steps in my leg would count toward my miles, then I introduced myself to the large Facebook group and told them of my goals. Not only did writing it down for all to see make me accountable for my goal, it also gave me a HUGE cheering squad with this new group of friends!

And this is where it all began! I attribute my success of learning to walk again to my virtual races.


These were the ones I did the first 1 1/2 after becoming an amputee! They all have special meaning,
depending on what I was trying to accomplish, how I felt or what I was going through.



It’s your turn now, and I’m going to help you and be there by your side as we do this together!

Let’s crush a goal before this year ends.

No better time than the present to start, and the best time of year to make time for yourself.

The link below is to register for a 100 mile virtual race.

I have already registered and I want you on my team!

I will create a private Facebook group too, just for those who join this race with me.

Can’t run? No problem-WALK!

Can’t walk? Bike, recumbent, stationary or  traditional.

Can’t do those things? SWIM, use a hand bike, exercise with stretch bands, dumbbells or body weight!


The sky’s the limit on how you go about logging your miles.

3 miles of biking= 1 mile of running/walking

exercising moderately 30 min=1 mile of running/walking

etc, etc, etc


You see where I’m coming from? We can all do something to help us feel better and get on track. So no matter where you are, don’t think for one second that you can’t do something in some way, shape, or form!

It is time to unleash your inner warrior! Fight for the life you want! Start today and let me walk alongside you and your journey! After all, we all need someone who gets us where we are at.


I’m here for you so won’t you join me on this virtual race?

Join me and let’s “sleigh” this holiday season! No excuses, no surrender!!!


Click HERE to register for the Fierce and On Fire Challenge


Oh, and did I mention that not only are you helping yourself by joining this challenge, you will also be supporting the Erin Regan Animal Sanctuary non profit 40 acre farm. A portion of your registration in this challenge goes to support this cause. This non profit is dedicated to saving the lives of farm and companion animals from abuse, euthanasia, and homelessness.

It’s a win-win in my book! Join me today! Click the link above!!

As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,







Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?

Learning To Listen To Your Gut

When you are going through something have you noticed how many people have advice?

The questions of: Have you tried this? Did you see Dr. So and So? This is the only prosthetic that works…. etc, etc.

I have had the opportunity to see many doctors throughout my injury, been to an amazing plastic surgeon, and have great prosthetists. I tell new amputees all about them but I try to stay conscious of pushy. My personal experience is MY personal experience, and I am always hopeful that it can be somebody else’s experience too, but it may not be. This just recently happened and it was heartbreaking to see. Without going into detail, because that’s what this podcast talks about, I had a couple of friends, amputees, use one of my doctors to help with revisions and their experiences were not like my positive experience.

I also watch social media posts and peruse the comments and am taken aback by the many people who believe their way is the only way, their doctor is the best doctor, their prosthetic brand is the best out there. Do you see where I’m going with this?

“Always”, “Never”, “The Best”, and “The Worst”, are red flags in my book, and should be avoided at all costs.

So why do we fall victim to adhering to these types of comments and following this type of advice? When we are in pain, scared, anxious, and in doubt we want ANYTHING that will get us out of that situation, and the faster the better. When we ask a large group of people (social media groups) how they handle this situation, or ask for help when we are experiencing phantom pain so extreme we are beside ourselves, we will take any advice if the person comes across unwavering and confident in their advice.

The problem? We are all DIFFERENT!

The love I have for my prosthetic. I am empowered to live my best life, with my new lease on life.


We have different reasons for our injury, different backgrounds, different personalities, different pain threshold levels, and completely different reasons for what we are feeling.

Just last week I experienced phantom pain, like my foot had been set on fire. It was non-stop, day and night. I haven’t had that in a long time. This time it was caused by my situation, not my fit. I was very upset and stressed about something (listen to last week’s podcast), and this was how my body dealt with it. However, if I had told any Facebook groups that I was dealing with this major burning, without giving the situational background, like so many people do, I would’ve been told that pain meds work, or gummies were the way to go, or try sleeping it off, etc. But what I needed to do was get outdoors for fresh air and allow myself to grieve. The fresh air and exercise helped me cope with my issue, which allowed my phantom pains to subside.

Fresh air and exercise! Just what I needed.


I knew what I needed. I trusted my gut on why I was experiencing what was happening to me.

We sometimes forget, in the midst of hard times, that if we just listen to our bodies, that we know what’s best and what is right for us.

When we schedule an appointment with a doctor but feel unsettled when in the office, we need to listen.

When we struggle with pain, we must quiet ourselves enough to listen to what our body is telling us.

Yes, it’s good to get some opinions, but take all advice with a grain of salt. We know ourselves better than a doctor with a PhD. We understand what we’ve been going through more than a random keyboard warrior who loves to put their two cents into everyone’s problems.

Aren’t we worth that?

Don’t we deserve the best care possible?


It’s time to advocate for yourself.

When you have an appointment, make sure you take questions you want answered so you don’t forget them if your train of thought gets derailed (mine did as soon as one doctor brought up amputation for the first time-I was stunned and my mind went blank. Luckily my husband was with me).

Bring someone you trust with you to the appointment (see comment above).

Listen to what your body is telling you. You know YOU best! DOn’t doubt yourself.

Remember, advice is great for optionality, but there is no “One size fits all” answer to your situation.

You are a warrior! Don’t you forget that! Fight for yourself! Fight for the life you’ve envisioned for yourself. You deserve the BEST!!!

I’m praying for you. Rise up and be heard, Warrior!


Until next week, as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,