Tag: Ashley Polk

Check Your Ego At the Door

Check Your Ego At the Door

For Growth and Overall Happiness


Take it from me when I say that it can be really difficult to drop the ego and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

I have always prided myself in being a high achiever, a perfectionist, a go-getter, and so highly competitive that I have built up walls and a tough exterior when I am trying new things or in a competitive environment. The very last thing I would ever do is ask for help or, worse yet, show any weaknesses in front of anyone.

The problem with that is that I cannot grow, evolve and improve in this state.

We need to get outside of our comfort zones to challenge ourselves.

And when we find ourselves challenged we need to ask for help and we need to have times of failing. That is what helps us learn and improve ourselves, our craft, or our hobby.


In this podcast, I take you on my journey when last week I finally put down my ego and reaped the benefits! It was humbling, exhilarating, and challenged me. In a short time I also made a new friend with similar interests who inspires me to keeping working hard. What a blessing getting out of my own way has been in just a short time. Imagine what I can accomplish now that I have this nugget of information, this new skill or letting go of my ego so that I can better myself and my life!

Won’t you join me on this new and exciting journey?




Has your pride, or ego, stopped you from accomplishing some of your goals (big or small)?

Then this week it’s time to bloom where you’re at and shine!

Set yourself up for success, enjoy the breathe of fresh air as you swallow that ego, show your vulnerable underbelly, and challenge yourself to something new.

You will be amazed at how happy you’ll feel about your new found freedoms from your own prison.

So get out of your own way, Warrior, and rise (and fall) in the new challenges you choose to take on.

Through failures and weaknesses we find our strengths, and build character.

Time to define your life!

So rise up, Warrior, rise up!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


Much love,.
