Tag: life

Challenge Accepted

Challenge Accepted

Finding Your Path Through the Challenges

Do you have a challenging road ahead?
Do you struggle with fears of what’s to come and if you are strong enough to manage your circumstance?
We all face challenges, every day, yet some are so huge we struggle to see past them. We may cave to fear and shrink back from the challenge that lies in front of us.
Through my personal journey with 5 years of surgery, recovery and setbacks, only to be followed up with a blood clot and elected amputation I give you a snapshot into what my life has been like, the hard times, the fears, and what it looks like facing challenges head on and coming out the other side.
I had 2 extremely profound experiences following amputation that gave me peace, joy, and hope that everything would be alright and that my new “normal” was going to be an epic ride!
A horse who saw me for where I was

Feeling the mana, power, of the waves and the stoke of rising up!
Rise to challenges!
If you fall, dust yourself off and rise again!
When you face fears and challenges in life, the outcome can be transformational, and will help build up your character!
Never give up! Continue to fight for the life you want! You can do anything, if you’re willing to give it your all.
This week pick something that you find challenging in your life that you have been wanting to address, attack, and conquer. Now get after it!
It doesn’t have to be a huge, enormous issue, just one thing that maybe you’ve been afraid to face or fear you might fail at. If you have been house-ridden and really want to try getting outside for fresh air and steps, start small. What is it that you ned to accomplish first? A child doesn’t learn to run before it can walk, nor can you expect to walk a mile when you haven’t been to the end of your block. Baby steps will help you chunk your bigger goal into more manageable, small goals. These baby steps may be small, but they are leading you in the right direction- FORWARD!  Take your challenge head on, chip away at it, pick yourself up when you fall, and continue to make strides forward toward your goal. You’ll be glad you did!
Be strong! Rise to the challenges! Press through fear and watch your life become a masterpiece!
#abovekneeamputee #ampstrong #podcast #bawarrior360 #empowerment #challenges #riseup #mission22 #characterbuilding
Through A Horse’s Eyes

Through A Horse’s Eyes

A Mindfulness Journey to Healing

Taking time to stop and hit the pause button.

Taking time to sit quietly and reflect.

Being present and mindful, living in the moment.

This is how a horse lives, and this is what we can do to help ourselves heal and live healthy, full, and rich lives.

Quiet, mindfulness time with my sweet girl😍



How often do you find yourself saying, “Where has the time gone?” or “If only there were more time in the day.” I find that when I am multitasking and moving from one thing to the next, what I’m really doing is cheating myself out of truly living and appreciating the moments.

Today, as I laid down in the corral with my horse, watching her eat, watching her ears move to the sounds around her that distracted her, enjoying her playing with me as I trusted her while I was on the ground and she towered above me, I noticed how much I just enjoyed the moment. I had nothing on my agenda, no place to be, and nothing that “had to get done” and so I sat quietly. I observed and watched her movements. I studied her and the world she lives in. The sky was overcast, the birds were soaring overhead, the horses in neighboring properties were mulling around. My girl was attentive but relaxed, as was I.

She was being a stinker here and grabbing my hat!


After she circled around me a few times, she pawed the ground and then laid down, right next to me. These are the moments I live for. She realizes she can trust me, and that I am not distracted with anything; it’s just me and her, nothing else mattered. I placed her hand on her nose and I stroked it gently as her eyes closed in complete peace. Her breathing got deep and loud, and then she laid back, across the ground. As she laid there, I began to read from a book I brought into the corral. It was then that I realized how mindful I was living in that moment. Loving the feel of the cool breeze, and then the intensity of the sun as it broke through the clouds. I was attuned to the things happening around us so I knew how she might react…the last thing I needed was a 1200 lb. horse jumping up and crushing me out of fear. I have learned to live in the moment so that I could connect with my girl.


This time got me thinking about how we heal, and what is missing in most of our lives. we are so caught up in the busyness of our lives that we are forgetting to enjoy the journey.

Is this you, too? Do you want to find a peace inside, a healing that helps you overcome and move forward from your circumstances? It’s time to start living mindfully. You don’t need a horse to do this, just the patience and conviction to create a new, positive habit.



This week I want you to find time to live in the moment, breathe deeply, let the past dissolve away, and don’t worry about the future.

Be present, be mindful of what you are doing. Make each task you do full and give each one your complete attention. If you are washing the dishes, pay attentio9n to the feel of the water, the temperature, and the feel of the soap on your hands.

Make time to stop and slow down and really experience the world. Find a quiet place and spend 10-15 minutes with no phone, no music or TV on, no distractions, just you and the world around you. Remember to spend time on your breathing and clear your mind of “to-do’s”. Take time for you so you can begin to heal what ails you. You may be surprised how this will affect you and how you will crave this quiet time the more you do it.

You deserve this.


And as always, until next week,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,

Angie (and Sakari🐎)




Til Death Do Us Part

Til Death Do Us Part

Picking a Prosthetist You Can Grow Old With…It’s YOUR Choice!

Today’s topic is one of those decisions we must all make if we decide to, or get thrusted into, becoming an amputee. We know that it won’t grow back, and we know our bodies change as we get older, so it only makes sense to find a prosthetist that you can rely on, trust, and connect with, after all, he (or she) will be your go to for all things prosthetic in your future.

Have you/Are you “interviewing” several different prosthetists and prosthetic companies? That’s a must!

Do you feel heard? You should!

Have you explained what you envision doing in your future to give them a better understanding of who you are and where you want to be (goal setting, see previous episodes!)? You must, if they are to help you to the best of their ability.

If you have a current prosthetist but are struggling with your fit, have you explained it to them and do you feel they are working with you to solve the problem or are they brushing it aside or, even worse, telling you it’s you, and you just have to deal with it (YES! I have actually had someone reach out to me and tell me that their prosthetist told them that!!!)?

Teamwork makes MY dream work!


Adjustments, adjustments, adjustments! Constantly making improvements.


Randy made me a surf leg so I could go live out my dream!! Now THAT is a prosthetist who listens and cares!


Getting every angle just right, but he said he’d come along to Hawai’i to help… just in case! 😉


The big question I see being asked out in the amputee community is about prosthetists. How do I know I’m getting a good one? Is ______________ a bad company to use? I don’t know if my prosthetist is good, what should I do?  And the list goes on and on.

I would start by telling you, TRUST YOUR GUT! and Interview, interview, interview! Even if you are in a “relationship” with a prosthetist now, remember this is YOUR life! YOU know what you want. YOU know what goals you have for yourself. YOU know your body better than anyone else.

I’ll say it again. TRUST YOUR GUT!

You are trying to get back to a good life, no wait, a GREAT life! And you can, I’m telling you that you can, with the right support, and right tools. Just like when you are looking for a doctor to diagnose you and check your health, you know when it feels right. It’s no different here. Don’t settle for anything less than the best. And who works for you might not work for someone else, and vice versa! Don’t listen to other, make up your own mind. Go and interview them and use the advice you heard to make an educated decision.


Life can be great again! Becoming an amputee isn’t the end of life as you know it, it’s the beginning of a life you’ve never dreamed of!

Chase after it with all you’ve got. Put in the leg work (pun intended) and watch it pay off for you!!


Remember, you are worth it!





This week make a list of prosthetist in your vicinity, or areas you don’t mind traveling to (remember that the first 2-3 years you will be there a LOT!).

Call them and make an appointment to meet with them and ask questions. Even ask to talk with other amputees-most of them have a peer-to-peer program that see this prosthetist, they’ll be a great resource on how they feel about their relationship with the prosthetist.

Even if you are already in a relationship with a prosthetist, you can do the step above. If you are unhappy with the service you are receiving then look elsewhere to see what’s happening at another office and company. Maybe the grass is greenier….and nmaybe it’s not.

This is your life. You must take charge and get what you need tolive your best life, now! I believe in you! No go out, and find the prosthetist of your dreams!😉


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,




A Day in the Life of an Amputee

A Day in the Life of an Amputee

Walking a Mile in My Leg



You never really know what people are going through, and the idea of “walking a mile in someone else’s shoes” is how we best “try” to understand and empathize or learn from their journey.

Join me today as I walk you through a typical day of being an amputee (pun intended), from what my mornings look like to midnight runs to the bathroom and everything in between.
Some days are easier to deal with but there are days that can really test my perseverance and fortitude.
Staying focused on the positives and finding ways to distract myself when times get tough can be a challenge, but I take you through how I run my days, and how routine can help me get through days I’m just not feeling it.
I also talk about items that help me make complicated tasks easier to complete and how to travel with just carry-on baggage despite all that I need for travel.
Walk in my leg for a day and experience being an amputee through my eyes.
This week just find the positive on what you are dealing with. Find the silver lining and enjoy it!  Remember there is always something positive, or good, in your life.  When you realize what you have you will be better able to handle the days when times get tough and push you to your limits…. and NEVER give up!
Have a blessed week, and until next time, as always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,


Comparison: The Thief of Joy

Comparison: The Thief of Joy

Just Be YOU!!


If you are like so many people, you spend time looking at social media. It’s where we turn to for updates on old friends and what’s happening in the world, it can bring us closer together…or make us feel insignificant.
From IG posts, to Facebook groups, to Tweets. The problem comes when we start seeing things and situations that we wished we had or were in. We see others having fun, going on luxurious vacations, living great and happy lives, and accomplishing huge feats. What you don’t see is all the times they struggle, deal with depression, hate themselves, have regret or guilt, don’t have the money to get basic needs met, etc, etc.
No one wants to show the negative side of life, or the struggles they are going through.
But we all struggle. We all find ourselves in a place where we haven’t met our goal or fail miserably at reaching one. If you don’t keep that in the forefront of your mind as you look out at the world, you’ll find yourself hating yourself or feeling worthless. And that never helps anybody.
It’s time to be YOU!
It’s time to love yourself and appreciate how far you’ve come.
Don’t compare yourself to anyone other than the YOU of yesterday.
Karate days- Pre amputation
This week it may be a good idea, if you are struggling with loving yourself, not feeling good about yourself and where you’re at in life, or in the “comparison game”, to step away from social media. At least until you can start to see the good in you.
This week I want you to think about what makes you happy, or brings you joy. Also, where do you want to be physically and emotionally, next week, next month, even by next year? Make a list of the things you want to accomplish because YOU want it and that makes you happy.
Now STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS! The only person that matters is you. You know how far you’ve come and how far you want to go. You know what obstacles tried to stop you and may still be in front of you.

Your life is YOUR journey and will look nothing like anyone else’s, so why would you compare what someone else is doing, accomplishing, etc., when you have your own life to live and your own struggles and limitations to deal with?

You do you!

Be happy with who you are because you are special and there is NO ONE else like you in the entire world!

Now go get after it!

Compete only with yourself to be better than you were the day before.

I believe in you!


Have an amazing week and until next time,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,







Reframing Your Circumstance

Reframing Your Circumstance

Living Life With Gratitude



Life is hard.
You can choose to lay down and have it destroy you or you can reframe your thinking and how you view your circumstance by finding things and people in your life for which you can be grateful.
It’s that time of year when we hear people say they are thankful for their life, we see trinkets in our homes that say, “Grateful, thankful, blessed”, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner in which tell the people around d us that we are thankful for them in our lives.
Thankfulness is a hot topic in November, but what if you are struggling right now?
What if you are going through a rough patch?
Well, this is the time, more than ever that you need to find those moments, things, and people in your life that make your life special, happy, or filled with joy.
By reframing how we see our circumstance we enable ourselves to be at peace through these hard times. By seeking out the silver linings in our lives we are choosing a path of gratitude and happiness amidst the struggles.
This can be life altering! And the more we practice this way of thrilling and speaking the more often we will see what we are going through as just a moment, or blip, in time. A moment that will pass and nothing more.
Remember, we all have these moments. They are chances to define our character, grow, and reinvent ourselves. Without these hard times we cannot truly appreciate the good that has been in our lives or the good that is to come.
Reframe your thinking. Reframe your circumstance. Practice mindfulness, living in the moment and appreciating the little things in your life that are truly good.
Living a life of gratefulness is a choice, and one that will not only affect your situation, but it’ll also effect the people around you.
Choose an attitude of gratitude and spread that to all those around you. You might be surprised on how your outlook on life will be uplifted, and how you bless someone else with your positivity will come back to you ten-fold.
Practicing gratitude and reframing your circumstance:
* Don’t be picky, appreciate everything!
*Be mindful, and present
*Keep a gratitude journal
*Remember the hard/bad times, they will help you cherish where you are now.
*Pay it forward
*Reflect. Spend 5, 10, 30 minutes in quiet time, thinking about all you have
*Reframe your bad situation by finding the silver linings, what it could be teaching you, and how you are growing stronger for the future by going through it.
*Celebrate the little things
The sunshine
My family
My prosthetic that allows me my freedom



Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours,
And as always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
#thankful #grateful #gratitude #thanksgiving #podcast #bawarrior360 #abovekneeamputee #calltoaction #attitude #reframeyourcircumstance #payitforward
Commitment and Consistency Brings Confidence

Commitment and Consistency Brings Confidence

“How long did it take for you to learn to walk?”
“Was it hard to learn to walk in a prosthetic?”
“What helped you get use to your prosthetic?”
I get these questions on a weekly basis from curious onlookers to amputees in wheelchairs.
It took time and commitment. Some would say courage, as well, because it’s hard to learn a basic skill all over again, and the fear of falling, and failing, is so great as we get older.
This week I share the one major thing that helped me conquer using a prosthetic and walking again, with confidence.
GOALS: Commit
My 1st in person race as an amputee, just one year after amputation!



Focus and determination




Now it’s your turn!
Find a virtual race you can push yourself, at your pace, and in your timeframe that works for you.
Sign up and then get to work!
Get excited when the mail arrives with your finishers medal, you earned it!!!
If I can do it, so can you!!
Be the warrior you are meant to be. It’s time to rise and live your best life.
Commit- Be Consistent, Build your confidence!
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
And don’t forget! TODAY is the final day to join the #14daysofmagic challenge
Go to www.magicmind.co to order your own pack of Magic Mind TODAY!!! Use my discount code: BEYOU14 to get a discount on your order. And remember to post yourself being productive while you’re using Magic Mind for your chance to win a 1-3 month subscription of Magic Mind!!
Inspiration and Resilience Through Adversity

Inspiration and Resilience Through Adversity

What inspires you? Who inspires you?
Did you know that you, too, are an inspiration? Yep, you are!
Each of us has the ability to impact another person’s life and outlook just by the way we carry ourselves, how we behave, speak, and interact with the people around us. A simple smile could give someone just the boost they need when they are struggling. Having grace and forgiveness may give another person in our lives the peace they are looking for when everything around seems to be falling apart.
We can be that for someone. The reality is, people are watching, and people are looking for someone to inspire them. Even when you aren’t at your best, or you are struggling, you have the ability to brighten someone’s day and give them a hope that they need to rise up.
If you’re like me, an amputee, or someone who is struggling to push through physical adversity, then you have an opportunity every single day to show the world that anything is possible.
First time waterskiing as an amputee…anything is possible!
Skiing again, as an amputee….anything is possible!


First time, EVER, surfing…anything is possible!!
Even if what you do is commonplace for you now, like me walking with my prosthetic, there are people who have never seen an amputee who are amazed by this. Smile! Show the world that you aren’t going down without a fight and that you are more than your circumstance, because you are!
Be an inspiration, you never know who is watching.
Never, ever forget, that you are an inspiration to someone!
Now go out and INSPIRE!!!!!
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Some people might tell you it’s impolite to ask amputees questions, or rude to allow your kiddos to stare or question why an amputee is the way they are but I will tell you that I love sharing my story and informing people about “life as an amputee”.  If we can inform, then we are educating. When people are educated about something they can have compassion, sympathy/empathy, and be better able to help in ways they never could if they didn’t understand.
I know not all amputees feel the same way I do, and that’s ok. We all have our journey to travel and for some it’s been tragic and hard to cope with the circumstance.
Life of an amputee. Getting the right fit. The never-ending battle!


I’d tell you, don’t be afraid to politely ask those who invite you in with eye contact and a smile. For some amputees healing takes place the more they talk about it. For others, it’s just too hard to relive. Read the person, be polite in your approach. Not all amputees are dealing well with being an amputee and talking to strangers feels like an invasion of a private, mentally exhausting battle that rages within.
On the whole, though, I believe most people who you’d see out an about as amputees are more than willing to share.
Also, if your child points and stares it’s ok, they are curious and innocent. They shouldn’t be afraid to ask, and I will usually smile and ask if they think I look like a robot or superhero. Some even like to touch my prosthetic, and I oblige.  Start them young on showing care and curiosity, allow them a chance to understand and sympathize with someone else’s plight. They’ll be better off for that and that may lead them into becoming future inventors of better prosthesis or interested in becoming a prosthetist.
Don’t be afraid to ask, you never know what you might learn and how you could help someone by allowing them to open up.
For those of you who:
*May have an amputation in the future,
*May know someone who is going through amputation, or
*Are just curious,
If you see someone who is an amputee, don’t be afraid to ask questions.  You may be surprised at their attitude on sharing. I’d say more of us don’t mind answering curious, polite questions about being an amputee. Just remember to be polite and not aggressive. For some people, their circumstance can be a very horrific memory, be kind and show compassion for what they might have gone through.
Reach out to other amputees, if you are on the verge of going through it yourself, talk to prosthetists, and also see if they have people willing to do peer to peer meetups so you can get comfortable with your impending situation.
Questions lead to understanding and bridge the gap for us amputees, to being more mainstream and “normal” in society.  There is so much we can do now that technology has advanced so much.  Educate yourself, be kind, and go ahead and ask.
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!
Much love,
And don’t forget to join me in the Magic Mind 14 day challenge!  Check out their website and 14-day challenge at: magicmind.co/14daysofmagic and don’t forget to use my discount code: BEYOU14
Feel great, gain clarity, find all day energy to get the job done, all while saving the rainforest!!  Join today!
Final day to join is October 26.  Post your progress on social media and use #14daysofmagic for your chance to win product!!
Challenge ends November 30, so don’t wait!
Healing From the Inside Out

Healing From the Inside Out


If we could only see the damage within ourselves from past experiences, like we can see the physical damage done from surgery, we would understand the importance of healing within ourselves.  If you are hurting, feeling discouraged, broken, sad, anxious, angry, then you really need to focus on your inner YOU before you can heal and build up your physical YOU.

When we feel great, happy, content, or relaxed we tend to have energy and then that energy is used to move us, heal our bodies, and become more physically active.  Ironically, when we do start moving our bodies not only is that good for our physical being, but it, in turn, lifts our spirits and helps with our emotional and mental state as well.

So what comes first? It’s like the chicken or egg scenario. If you are emotionally defeated, it’s hard to motivate yourself to do something good for yourself. Yet, if you could just push past that, the endorphins that your body releases when you become active can boost your spirits.

After all I have been through since 2013, when I couldn’t be active, left me feeling miserable at times. It actually took its toll on my body as I had gained 55 pounds through 5 years of knee surgeries.  It was actually after I had my amputation that I was once again able to move, and rose up to once again, define who I was and live a better life.  It was hard, I stumbled and fell often both physically and metaphorically, but I kept pushing myself, and the boundaries, until I began to soar.


The first picture, on top, was me right after my amputation in 2018. The 2nd picture is from 2 weeks ago.

I began doing things I thought I may never do again, I attempted new sports and activities, and found a pure joy that no one could take away from me. I healed myself from the inside out and accepted my new situation, and moved on from there, challenging myself to anything and everything I could think of as an amputee.  I became so active that the extra weight dropped off and now I am more fit then I was, even in high school!


You can achieve this, if you want it. It takes commitment and perseverance. You must set goals and follow through, but it can be done.

Don’t count yourself out just yet. I believe in you!




It’s simple this week:


Write down all the emotions and feelings you are having that eat away at you. All the negative thoughts and feelings you have about yourself, where you are at in your life, your medical situation.

Now destroy that list! Burn it! Tear it to shreds! Crumple it up and throw it in the trash!

It’s time to move onward and upward. Today you learn to forgive, have grace, and think positive thoughts.

It’s never too late to start a new path, take a road less traveled, and to adjust your life.

Don’t put it off anymore, you deserve the best from yourself.

I believe in you! Let’s do this!


Best wishes on your new beginning!

As always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,
