Tag: PMA

What’s Your Vibe?

What’s Your Vibe?

Serve and Be Served


What we put out into the world is what we get back.
Have you ever noticed people who seem to have it all together, are happy, productive, and have good things happen to them?
…have you ever REALLY looked at them? Ever notice their attitude?
Even though no one goes without troubles and hard knocks, in life, these people keep their chin up, hunker down and weather the storms because of how they perceive their life and circumstances.
They are warriors!
YOU are that warrior, too, whether you believe it or not. We all have the capability to conquer and rise when times get hard.
How do you change that perspective and give yourself one of positivity and gratitude?
There’s nothing more powerful than to give of yourself, even when you are struggling.
And when you serve others, you, too, will get the benefits. You’ll feel productive, happy, thankful, and you may even forget your own woes in all of this.
Give it a try! Serve someone this week. Call a lonely neighbor or friend, send a gift card to someone in need, smile at the cashier at the grocery store, serve at a food bank/soup kitchen.
When you serve others, it’ll also serve you.
Your circumstances won’t necessarily change but your attitude definitely will.
As always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,


Positive Mental Attitude for a Better Life

Join me today on the road in Las Vegas as I discuss how our attitude can make or break our day to day lives and ultimately leads to our feelings of success or failure.
This past week I met someone who was struggling with their quality of life and wanting more. We discussed PMA and I talked about how goal setting and how surrounding myself with good people, who wish to see me succeed, has been key to the successes I have reached since becoming an amputee.
I truly believe that whatever thoughts and words we feed our minds we achieve. If I say I’m afraid I’ll fail, then I probably will, but if I speak positively, I find I succeed at what I set out to do.
Set yourself up for success. Be kind to yourself and make the decision to have PMA! You’ll be glad you did!
Start today!
*Write the letters P-M-A on a post-it note and place it where you will see it every morning and every evening. This will help you remember that your positive mindset is so important to your happiness, your health, and your goals.
*Set goals. Make them challenging but realistic. What is it that you want to get back to doing or try for the first time, and have either been told “You can’t do that” or told yourself you can’t? Time to change that thinking.
*Speak positive words into your mind. You are more capable than you think. Will it be easy? Probably not.  You may need to modify how you get to your goal, and what your goal is, but start small with baby steps and work your way to getting where you want to go and I promise, you will feel so good about yourself when you achieve it.
Get after it! You are worth it!
And as always,
Be Healthy,
Be Happy,
Be YOU!!!
Much love,