Tag: motivation

Dream A Little Dream

Dream A Little Dream

Making Your Dreams Become Reality



If you can dream it, you can do it.

We’ve all heard that saying before and maybe even been told that by someone trying to cheer you on.  It’s true, to an extent. Dreams become reality when we have the vision to imagine them, and the mental and physical strength to follow through to accomplish them. Dreams aren’t easy to accomplish, but they are attainable with the right tools to get you from point A to point B.

Once I knew I was going to amputate my leg I knew I needed to set my sights on goals and dreams that would help me heal and live my life. I created a vision board that my PT suggested so I had inspiration every day to accomplish my goals, and my “whys” for setting them.

My Vision Board


This is an example of my vision board that I looked at every day for months prior to my amputation. I was feeding my brain positive signals about the plans I had for my body after the trauma. What we tell ourselves fuels our brain to follow suit. Mindset is based on positive thoughts, positive talk, and mental strength.  If you feed your mind negativity, you won’t see anything but negative. If you feed your mind positive messages and possibilities for success, you’ll find success knocking at your door.


I don’t know about you but I want to live a full, healthy, happy and fulfilling life.  If you’re not living that kind of life right now, ask yourself, “What’s holding me back?” I bet it’s negativity, excuses, and lack of planning.

You can do this! You need to dare to dream. DREAM BIG!!! don’t shortchange yourself or your life. You want something? You want to achieve a goal? Go after it!



It’s time to create your own vision board. Take a look at mine above, google search Vision Boards and see other examples. Then set out to create your very own. Dare to dream. Dream big and don’t limit yourself. Put it all on the table, no matter how big or small the dream. Add quotes that motivate you. Add pictures of you getting back to your activity that you once did, or pictures of an activity you want to try. Throw on some pictures of your “whys” as I have found that doing it for myself is good but accomplishing something for a bigger picture is even better. My example was skiing. I wanted to ski again for my boys and husband. My husband and I always talked about skiing after he retired and I wasn’t going to let losing my leg get in the way of our youthful dreams.

Once you’ve created your board, place it somewhere you will see every morning and every evening to keep you motivated!


You’ve got this! I know you can do it. Believe in yourself.


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


Much love,



What Motivates You?

What Motivates You?

What gets you moving in the morning? What lights a fire under you? What keeps you moving forward when you feel like giving up?

Our mindset and goal setting allows us to find success. They give us the direction and purpose we need to press forward and reach levels of success that might not have been possible otherwise.

I make sure that I have a clear image in my head of what the next day will look like, before I go to bed. I have a to-do list of things I need to do and another list of things I WANT to do. Make sure you mix it up otherwise you could face some burn out and then lose momentum. My dad always said I needed to work hard, then I could play hard; do things I must do and then enjoy the things I want to do.


Finding time to go to the gym is my play time, but somedays it’s just hard to motivate myself to go.
But I always feel good after I’m done.


You can find success each day if you know where you want to go. Like going on a trip, you plan out your travels so you get to where you want to go and so you know when you’ll arrive. Same goes for being motivated.  If you plan for success, you’ll most often succeed. If you fail to plan then you will fail.


This week I want you to try this night time ritual;

Either in your mind or on paper think of all that you want and need to accomplish tomorrow. Understand your timeline, meaning when you will need to get up in the morning and when you’ll want to go to bed, and then factor in each item you’ve listed. I have found that I now clump certain items together, for example, if I need to go see my prosthetist that is south 45 minutes, I also try to hit any stores down that way to be time efficient, that also feels like a victory. I also work backwards in thinking about my day. This gives me the opportunity to get up at the right time in the morning so I ultimately have the right amount of time to accomplish everything.

Now set that alarm and get some rest.

What if you wake up in a blah mood, a negative space? Now you build character by pushing forward at what you set out to do the night before. This won’t be easy but I promise you it’ll feel great when you accomplish what you set out to do, despite the vibe of your day.

Use music to help motivate you and keep you moving forward. And make sure you check out Fearless Motivation on Apple Music!

I wish you a week filled with smashed goals and positive vibes!

Stay motivated, my friends!


And as always,

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!!


much love,



Just Breathe!

Just Breathe!

Create Positive Change One Breathe at a Time

Things may not be the way you want them right now, but you can do a lot with what you do have and where you are at.

Just breathe!


I’m going to keep this week’s post short and simple.

Learning to breathe the RIGHT way is so important for your body and mind.  Diaphragmatic Breathing is when you allow long, deep breaths to come in and out of your diaphragm, not from your chest.

To illustrate this lay on your back and put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Now breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth. You should feel the hand on your stomach rise and fall, NOT the one on your chest. If you are breathing correctly, you will be able to take nice, slow and deep breathes in and out of your diaphragm which will slow your heart rate down, allow you to call your nerves, push blood through your body more efficiently and, all around, make you feel better.



This week I want you to practice Diaphragmatic Breathing once a day, at least, for 1 minute. Take that time just for you.

If you want to really go for it, do this exercise whenever you feel yourself getting frustrated, angry, or afraid. Spend time just practicing this breathing and really slowing down your life in that moment, even for just a minute.  Let me know how it goes and what changes you start to feel as the week progresses.  You might be surprised at the mental and emotional benefits you feel from doing this just once a day!!

Oh, and enjoy some baby goat love, too!❤️


As always:

Be Healthy,

Be Happy,

Be YOU!!


much love,
